How to Break Up With Your Lawn and Boost Resale Value

Oct 14, 2023 By Susan Kelly

If you're considering putting your home on the market, it's time to say goodbye to your lawn. Investing in professional landscaping services and strategies can greatly impact curb appeal and resale value.

Two things potential homeowners look for when shopping around. From breaking up your traditional grass lawn to replacing it with more eco-friendly solutions such as xeriscaping and native plants, swapping out your old turf can make a big difference in how quickly buyers snatch an offer.

In this post, we'll break down all the ways that getting rid of or revamping parts of your current landscape will help boost home resale value – so read on.

Benefits of Going Low-Maintenance with Your Lawn

Replacing your traditional grass lawn with a low-maintenance option can benefit you and potential homebuyers. Since traditional lawns require regular maintenance, such as mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, weeding, and watering, the amount of time homeowners spend performing these chores can be overwhelming. Not to mention, the cost and environmental impact of all these lawn care activities can be excessive.

Low-maintenance alternatives to grass require significantly less upkeep and thus can save homeowners time, money, and energy in the long run. And potential homebuyers are increasingly looking for homes with outdoor spaces that offer low-maintenance but high visual appeal—which can add value to the home and increase resale potential.

Experts estimate that switching from a traditional grass lawn to a low-maintenance alternative can add up to 10% in resale value for your home, making it a smart investment for homeowners looking to boost their property's curb appeal.

With so many options for replacing your lawn, you can create a beautiful outdoor space that will envy your neighborhood while increasing your resale value.

Ready to break up with your lawn and reap the rewards? Read on to learn about all the different low-maintenance alternatives available to ensure your outdoor space makes a lasting impression without doing much work.

Tips for Converting Your Lawn to a Low-Maintenance Garden

1. Start small and build gradually:

Start the conversion process by focusing on one area. Start with a shady spot or areas where grass won't grow anyway, as this will give you the confidence to expand your garden.

2. Choose low-maintenance plants:

Incorporate native plants into your garden as these require less maintenance and have a greater chance of thriving in your climate.

3. Think long-term:

Before planting, consider which plants will be easier to care for over the long run and how they'll look when mature. It's also important to consider what maintenance you are willing to commit to keep your garden looking its best.

4. Design it for function:

Incorporate space for entertaining, reading, or relaxing into your garden design. This will help increase the value of your home and make it more enjoyable to spend time in.

5. Get creative with hardscaping:

Use stone, bricks, and concrete to create pathways and other structures. These materials will add texture and interest to your garden while still being low-maintenance.

Choosing the Right Plants and Trees for Your Space

Most homeowners want a beautiful, lush lawn when they move in. Unfortunately, maintaining a perfect lawn takes incredible time and money. Choosing the right plants and trees for your space is important to break up your lawn and boost resale value.

When selecting plants for your yard, it's important to consider the climate you live in. Plants native to your area will thrive better with fewer maintenance requirements and use fewer water resources. You can also look for drought-resistant plants like succulents, cacti, or other low-maintenance species.

If you want to add shade to your yard, adding a tree is the best way to get it. Trees provide shade and wind protection and can raise the resale value of your home by up to 15%. Some trees may require more maintenance than others, depending on where you live. Before planting, research the species that work best for your climate.

Adding flowerbeds or shrubs to your yard is a great way to break up the lawn, add color and depth, and increase resale value. Flowerbeds can be placed anywhere around your home, from the front entryway to the side of your house. When selecting plants for your flower beds, consider whether you want sun-loving or shade-loving plants, and adjust the flowers you choose accordingly.

Breaking up your lawn doesn't have to mean saying goodbye to your grass entirely. If you'd like to keep some patches of grass, try using drought-tolerant species such as buffalo grass or Bermuda grass. These will require less water and maintenance than traditional turf grasses without sacrificing the look of a nicely manicured lawn.

DIY Landscaping Ideas to Transform Your Yard

You can explore various landscaping options if you’re ready to break up your lawn and boost your home’s resale value. Whether you want to take on the project yourself or hire a professional contractor, these DIY landscaping ideas will transform your yard:

Plant native vegetation:

Choosing native plants can greatly reduce water consumption and create a sustainable landscape. Native vegetation is adapted to the climate and soil of your area, so no additional nutrients or maintenance is needed.

Install xeriscaping features:

Xeriscaping uses gravel, stones, and other natural elements that require little or no irrigation to thrive. Xeriscaping is an effective way to reduce water consumption and create a beautiful landscape.

Create a vegetable garden:

A vegetable garden can be an attractive feature in your yard that adds value to your home. Planting vegetables such as tomatoes, squash, peppers, and beans requires minimal effort but will provide fresh produce.

Build an outdoor living space:

An outdoor living space is a great way to create usable and visually pleasing outdoor areas that add value to your home. Consider installing a deck, patio, or fire pit for an inviting look that prospective buyers will appreciate.

Add hardscape elements:

Hardscaping elements such as pathways, patios, decks, and retaining walls can create a functional and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space. Adding hardscape elements is an effective way to break up the monotony of lawn areas while adding interest and value to your home.

Investing in landscaping improvements can improve your home’s appearance and boost its resale value. With a few simple DIY ideas, you can transform your yard and break up your lawn for good.


How do you break up grassroots?

Grassroots can be broken up using a mechanical aerator. This tool pulls small soil cores out of the ground, breaking apart the dense network of roots beneath the surface and allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate more easily. It also helps make existing grasses look thicker and lusher by encouraging new root growth. Hand aerators are available at garden centers and online.

How do you break up a large yard?

Breaking up a large yard into smaller sections can be a great way to create more interesting outdoor spaces. Consider dividing the space with pathways, borders, or fencing. Use plants, trees, and other landscaping features like gravel mulch or water to further define your spaces. If you're working on a tight budget, consider creating a DIY project with rocks, logs, and other natural features to create an attractive design.

How can I make the most of my yard?

Creating a well-planned landscape design is the key to making the most of your yard. Incorporating patios, decks, and water features can add interest to your outdoor space. Selecting plants and trees that are low-maintenance and right for your climate zone will also help save you time in the long run.


In sum, it is wise to go low-maintenance with your lawn by converting it to a garden or xeriscaping. It results in cost savings and less labor for homeowners and helps the environment by conserving water and limiting emissions from gas-powered lawn equipment. With thoughtful planning and creativity, your outdoor living space can become an oasis that is just as beautiful, fun, and inviting as traditional grass lawns.

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